Up to 30 Day History with Kami Cloud
Having so much history stored on Kami Cloud is convenient when you need to search through your family’s activities. Recent activity held in the cloud is there for you to take advantage. All your detections will have a complete picture of the event, and you can review it when needed. Anyone can buy a camera and add it to their digital lifestyle. Whether it’s your children’s toys or your security system, most people use it. But, the moment you get a camera, there is a risk of data theft. If you keep your data off-site with a cloud service provider like Kami Cloud, you minimize that risk. However, a number of people store their data on that same system with an SD Card or don’t store their video footage at all.
Kami Cloud offers video storage that also comes with video history. Video History stored on the cloud can be accessed anytime through our app. Whether you’re home or away, you can pull up video clips of interest for your review.
Kami Cloud offers more peace of mind and better security.
Keep your activity stored for up to 30 days.
Kami Cloud has the benefit of completely secure, video storage options allowing for up to 30 days If you aren’t using an SD card, then you have no history whatsoever. Whether it’s you and your family making a precious moment, or some suspicious activity outside that you want to monitor, cloud-based system Kami Cloud can store it all. Cloud is simple to install and easy to manage from your tablet or smartphone.
Why it matters
A number of Kami users keep cameras on site for video surveillance & home security, but others really love it for capturing all their precious moments with family & friends. You’ll always have that with Kami Cloud.
At the minimum, you need to plan for data backup. Kami Cloud utilizes edge-computing technology to keep your data more secure than ever.
Why Kami Cloud?
Best of all, using Kami Cloud will preserve context so you can look back at your video footage and keep those moments of interest close. In the end, you’ll benefit from an always-on reminder in your pocket with the mobile app.
Kami Cloud is a smart security system that records and analyzes video and audio data for real-time threats. Security cameras are designed to protect against burglary but have many other applications as well. That’s why Kami Cloud is an excellent tool for any home or small business owners that want to monitor their property from anywhere at any time.
And, best of all, store your footage for up to 30 days!